Greatly Served

Any time I have a period of silence on the blog, you can guess I'm in a period of "stretching" in some form. It's been a weird few months. We've had great highs and great lows. Over the past year, we watched 9 heart buddies pass away, all under the age of six. But we've also seen great victories, and in between all of that, had many moments of normalcy for our…

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God of Daniel

I’ve lost track of the exact timing of everything, but for the past 2 weeks, our 3 youngest kiddos have been dealing with some kind of respiratory virus. Davis got over it pretty quickly, and mostly just had a runny nose. Sunley almost had to go to the hospital for low saturations and difficulty breathing, but she came through it without hospital support. Ruger has had a very hard time…

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How Far I Would Walk

I think about the story of Jairus in Matthew 9, Mark 5, and Luke 8 pretty often. I see it differently now than I did years ago. I’ve done the whole pleading-with-God-for-the-life-of-my-daughter thing. I know the type of yearning and begging that arises out of the deepest depths of a parent’s soul. Physically, it feels like it begins in your gut — it’s nauseating, actually. I know the simultaneous faith and frustration: Knowing Jesus could heal her if you could only…

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